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初中 · 英语 同步练习 6卷 29次 2024-02-21 收藏

Unit 5 China and the World 1. China attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.—九年级下册英语仁爱版课前小练

Unit 5 China and the World 2. He is really the pride of China.—九年级下册英语仁爱版课前小练

Unit 5 China and the World 3. Now it is a symbol of England.—九年级下册英语仁爱版课前小练

Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship 1. I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.—九年级下册英语仁爱版课前小练

Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship 2. Who is your favorite character in literature?—九年级下册英语仁爱版课前小练

Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship 3. I will remember our friendship forever.—九年级下册英语仁爱版课前小练